Kerispatih - Demi cinta

Kerispatih - Demi Cinta

Maaf ku telah menyakitimu
Ku telah kecewakanmu
Bahkan ku sia-siakan hidupku
Dan ku bawa kau seperti diriku
Walau hati ini terus menangis
Menahan kesakitan ini
Tapi kulakukan semua demi cinta

Akhirnya juga harus ku relakan
Kehilangan cinta sejatiku
Segalanya tlah kuberikan
Juga semua kekuranganku
Jika memang ini yang terbaik
Untuk diriku dan dirinya
Kan ku terima semua demi cinta

Jujur aku tak kuasa
Saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu
Namun yang pasti terjadi
Kita mungkin tak bersama lagi
Bila nanti esok hari
Kutemukan dirimu bahagia
Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Beginning Of My New Journey

That was all my first time I have to lived on my own.. Im far from my family.. I lived in hostel.. No more school.. My best friend.. And Im start with a new life.. Im continue my studies in Unicop KL on 29 June 2009.. First day I came there, I feel stringed and don’t know what to do.. Im going to studies in this place? I see new friends, new peoples and new placed.. I just try my best to suitable with a new situation.. But after day by day.. It was nothing to afraid of.. just make it simple and happy with it.. Huhu.. Now Im enjoy with a new friends and all this.. Compared me in school.. so different.. lazy to do homework.. out overnight.. always cyber cafĂ© crazy thing at class.. “Fly”.. make a noise.. go to here.. go to there..… hmm.. But now.. I just study² and study without thinking nonsense.. Ahak!! Im glad I was here… Yeah...

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